Monday, February 19, 2007

Wet and Wild... with a sore butt

You learn something new everyday, that´s what they say at least. On Saturday, I learned that although riding a horse bareback through the Andes sounds like an adventure, it really is just a way to bruise your tailbone while distracting yourself from the amazing beauty that is around you. If it doesn´t have a saddle, walk.

In other news, this weekend (really until Tuesday-tomorrow) is carnaval. It is the most fun holiday that I have yet experienced anywhere!! The basic idea is that during the day everyone (there are no exceptions) gets extremely wet. This happens by groups of people, sometimes kids and sometimes adults, banding together to chase people down or carry them out of their houses to dump water on them. If you are wearing dry clothes, you are fair game. So fun. Kids that leave near the highway just stand about by the road throwing buckets of water at open windows or people in the back of pickups (like me). Or if you happen to have water balloons (like me) then you pick off rowdy young people when the least expect it from your mobile base (again - the back of a pickup truck). Anyway, it is definitly a holiday that the US needs to catch on to!

Question for consideration today: How can I show someone that they are valuable? Would it take any effort or just a little intentionality to insure that someone (important to you... or just a casual acquaintance) feel appreciated? hmmm.


At 4:17 PM, Blogger HeatherK said...

as you might remember from our summers together, I'm rather fond of the simplicity and accuracy of the phrase "I appreciate you." :)


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