Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Don´t go chasing waterfalls... (just kiddin´)

The last week or so of ¨training¨ has been so laid-back that it is probably more accurate to just call it tourism. I have done 4 hikes and 1 mountain climb on horse back in the past 6 days.

I don´t mean to make everyone jealous... but you all should be. Here are some pictures.

These pictures cover three seperate trips. The first was a hike around a lake that is in the crater of a volcano. It is actually only an hour or so from where I am going to live (Mira, Carchi).

The second was a horse-back ride that we took up towards Cayambe, the 3rd highest peak in Ecuador. We didn´t get even close to the snow, but I did ride a horse for the second time ever. I was scared out of my mind, but loving it, as my horse galloped for about an hour on the way down the mountain! (The computer isn´t working really well, so I only could put this one picture... which is of Paul. He reminds me a of a Stanford-educated Scooter.)

The third was a ¨work trip¨ that we took to the transitional zone. We stayed in a nice open air cabin in the middle of the rainforest and then we went on hikes to waterfalls where we could swim. Yup... it really was that awesome, I´m not exaggerating. (I was actually leaving out parts, like the fact that we saw a Quetzal... a ridiculously rare bird, and that we had to cross a river on a mini-wooden gandala in order to get to our cabin.)


At 8:29 AM, Blogger FaithChristine said...

That's so awesome, Steve! I AM jealous, but also excited for you to be there! Hey, how close are you to the Tungurahua volcano eruption? (the BBC reports it's 80 miles south of Quito). Just curious...and wondering if you'd be called to help there in any way. Keep having fun and making a difference!

At 7:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are really doing something over there. :-D Keep it up! You're in my prayers. (PS, in case you weren't sure, I'm Katie's Friend, I sent ya an email :) )

God Bless,

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